Journal entries from September 8-October 7, 2023
These talk about all of the religious-related events that have happened at that time. (Please note that it has been approximately 5 months since the events happened
September 8, 2023
I was fretting over that it took about 5 seconds to create a perfect compulsion for an obsession. I forgot what it was though. I believe that it was similar to the compulsion experienced in August 16 with the bricks in the bathroom. I then asked a Dominican priest and he told me that compulsions are not human acts, I do not know if it was the compulsion itself after the 5 seconds or the 5 seconds before the compulsion. Obsessions and Compulsions for August.
September 9, 2023
Asked if it is a mortal sin to be interested in hearing an Orthodox objection to Catholicism on Magisterium AI. It said no to me if it doesn’t affect the faith. Another problem that I was having was I had compulsions that were pretty hard, such as it took five seconds for me to figure out ‘Andalusian sunflower’ to suppress an obsession. I had to Google search for a type of flower in Andalusia.
I had a semi-deliberate act (Ripperger) in which I had to determine whether it was a mortal sin to lie when I say that Sr. Jeanine Gramick was similar to Fawn Brodie. I seemed that it was a grave sin because I tried to cover up that Sr. Jeanine Gramick was similar to Sandra Tanner, since it seemed at that time that I couldn’t refute her objections to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the sake of inculturation and historical and not dogmatic if Pope Francis believes that the Church values God’s action in other religions. I do not know why I believed I couldn’t at that time or that it was a mortal sin to lie about that. It seemed that Sandra Tanner at that time was better at refuting the Church of Jesus Christ’s position on its truthfulness than Fawn Brodie, which I didn’t want to accept.
I asked myself if it was a mortal sin to believe that the Garden of Eden was in Adam-ondi-Ahman, Missouri. I then researched where the purported location of the Garden of Eden was. I guess it was in the Middle East, in a cross-like junction of Pishon, Gihon, Euphrates. So I am not supposed to believe that the Garden of Eden was in Adam-ondi-Ahman, Missouri.
I was thinking of this thing I don’t know if I responded with a deliberate act, sudden act, or an imperfect act. It gave me anxiety. I had slept very little last night and felt very foggy my brain. IDK? Maybe it lasted 5 seconds and I was screaming through the act.
September 10, 2023
Asked if it was a mortal sin to hear an objection to Islam on Magisterium AI. It said no to me if it doesn’t compromise my own faith.
Also asked if it was a mortal sin in Magisterium AI to care for the reputation of another religion (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints): It said it cannot provide me a concrete answer but avoids secularism and materialism and asks the Roman Catholic Church to care for its own values.
September 11, 2023
Asked if it was a mortal sin in Magisterium AI to love a blasphemous thing that was said about God. I was interested in an atheist channel that hated God. It said to me that the Catholic Church doesn’t provide a direct answer. I rephrased it with the word ‘curious’, and that it does not provide a direct answer, but we must look at the material with prudence. I also rephrased it with the word ‘interested’, and it said that it did not fall under the definition of blasphemy itself, and it continued with “actively seeking out and dwelling upon blasphemous thoughts or materials may be considered a sin against the love of God, even if it does not reach the level of blasphemy itself.” I was confused for a minute but “dwelling upon blasphemy” means planning for blasphemy.
Asked if it was a mortal sin in Magisterium AI if it is a mortal sin to believe that an Orthodox scripture is inspired by God if Pope Francis says that the Church values God’s action in other religions. I asked this at the time because I had an emotional fear that maybe the Book of Mormon isn’t inspired by God and that it is inspired by the devil. I also had another fear over an allegation that Joseph Smith was practicing witchcraft. I believed that Orthodoxy was a different religion rather than a Catholic-adjacent religion at that time. The answer for me was ‘It was not explicitly stated as to whether it was a mortal sin or not.’ When I added the phrase ‘even if it is imperfect’, it answered ‘The Church's tradition affirms the inspiration of the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, but does not extend this designation to other religious texts. It is important to adhere to the teachings of the Church and recognize the unique inspiration of the canonical Scriptures.’ It didn’t answer if it was mortal or not. When I replaced Orthodox bible with ‘Book of Mormon’, it answered ‘In the case of Pope Francis stating that the Church values God's action in other religions, it does not directly address the belief that the Book of Mormon is inspired by God. Therefore, it cannot be concluded definitively whether it would be a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon is inspired by God based solely on this statement.’ When I used the word ‘Quran’, it answered, Therefore, it is not a mortal sin to believe that the Quran is inspired by God, as long as this belief does not contradict the core teachings of the Catholic faith. However, it is important to note that the Catholic Church affirms the unique and definitive revelation of God in Jesus Christ and the Gospel.’ The Quran answer provided under the bounds of casuistry that it is not a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon is inspired by God for the sake of historical and inculturation but not dogmatic reasons.
I asked Magisterium AI another relevant question, which is “Does Querida Amazonia 107 mean that it is a mortal sin to believe that a non-Catholic scripture can be inspired by God?” It answered “However, it does not make a definitive statement about the sinfulness of believing in the inspiration of non-Catholic scriptures. Therefore, we cannot conclude from this passage alone that such a belief is a mortal sin.”
September 12, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI another relevant question, which was “Is it a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon and the Orthodox Bible in the same category?” The answer was “Therefore, while the Book of Mormon may contain elements of goodness and grace, it does not have the same authority as the Orthodox Bible according to Catholic Church teaching. It is important to note that the references do not explicitly address the question of mortal sin, but they provide guidance on the authority of different sacred books.” I added to the sentence “and are inspired by God”, it was reanswered “In conclusion, it is not a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon and the Orthodox Bible are in the same category and are inspired by God, but it is not in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Church reserves the designation of inspired texts to the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments.” I added “If Pope Francis says that the Church values God's action in other religions”, it answered “herefore, it would not be accurate to believe that the Book of Mormon and the Orthodox Bible are inspired by God in the same way as the canonical books of the Bible. However, it is important to note that the Church does not explicitly state that believing this is a mortal sin.”
Also asked Magisterium AI “If Pope Francis says that the Church values God's action in other religions is it a mortal sin to believe in a non-Catholic spiritual experience?” The answer was “Based on these references, it can be concluded that while the Catholic Church recognizes the value of God's action in other religions and the presence of truth and goodness in non-Catholic spiritual experiences, it does not explicitly state that it is a mortal sin to believe in a non-Catholic spiritual experience.”
Asked Magisterium AI in which it is a mortal sin to have a faith crisis in the Book of Mormon, it answered “According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, having a faith crisis over the Book of Mormon would not necessarily be considered a mortal sin.” Rephrased question using “Orthodox Bible” in place of the Book of Mormon, it answered “Ultimately, the determination of whether doubt over the Orthodox Bible constitutes a mortal sin would depend on the individual's intention and the degree of knowledge and consent involved. It is recommended to seek guidance from a spiritual director or a trusted priest in order to discern the specific circumstances and receive appropriate pastoral care.” When using the words “Eastern Orthodox Bible”, it said that “In summary, while the Catholic Church does not explicitly address whether having a faith crisis over the Eastern Orthodox Bible is a mortal sin, it recognizes the importance of seeking truth and understanding. Doubts and struggles with faith are a normal part of the human experience, and it is important to seek guidance and support from trusted spiritual advisors.”
September 13, 2023
I had asked Magisterium AI whether watching an inflight video inside a Vietnam Airlines plane was a mortal sin, and also watching a vlog of a person inside that same plane. The answer was ‘The current resources do not have a precise answer to your question.’ I had believed that I was stealing a lot, but stealing just a little is not a mortal sin according to Fr. Altier Fr. Altier Examen
When I asked Magisterium AI as to whether it was a mortal sin of stealing to watch an inflight video inside a plane (vlog), it answered “In conclusion, based on the provided references, we cannot definitively determine whether watching an inflight video would be considered a mortal sin of stealing.” And then I replaced the word “inflight video of a flight map”, I would answer “The gravity of the sin can vary depending on factors such as the value of what is stolen and the intention behind the act.”
I asked Magisterium AI a standalone question in which if it was a mortal sin to believe in a non-Catholic experience. The answer was “it is not a mortal sin to believe in a non-Catholic spiritual experience.”
September 14, 2023
I wanted to talk to my LDS friend that I struggled with believing in the Book of Mormon while also hiding that I am Catholic and that its a white lie. It answered back to me that the Catholic Church doesn’t provide a definitive answer. I used the word Mortal sin at that time and answered that it is not a mortal sin to hide your Catholic Faith from your LDS friend when you struggle with the Book of Mormon. The last question that I asked Magisterium AI was if it was a White lie to say to your LDS friend that you agree with the Great Apostasy and the answer was “The current resources do not have a precise answer to your question.”
September 15
Asked Magisterium AI the following standalone questions (questions without a preceding source).
Is it a mortal sin to believe in the Book of Mormon?: Catholic Church does not explicitly address
Is it a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon and the Eastern Orthodox Bible in the same category and are inspired by God?: In conclusion, it is not a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon and the Eastern Orthodox Bible are in the same category and are inspired by God, but it is not in accordance with Catholic Church teaching
Is an Eastern Orthodox bible a non-Catholic bible?: An Eastern Orthodox Bible is not considered a non-Catholic Bible.
Is it a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon is inspired by God?: Based on the available references, it can be concluded that the Catholic Church does not provide a direct answer to whether it is a mortal sin to believe that the Book of Mormon is inspired by God.
Is it a mortal sin to believe that the Orthodox bible is inspired by God?: Believing that the Orthodox Bible is inspired by God is not a mortal sin.
I think it was the day in which I don’t know if I committed a deliberate act, imperfect act or a sudden act when thinking about the moon. The song lyric was from Mariah Carey’s song ‘Close My Eyes’. It was ‘‘cause I feel like a child as I look at the moon’. I didn’t want to think about astrology at that time.
September 16, 2023
I started to have doubts that day because I did not want to have extra words in my post that I’m Catholic when posting about how I don’t like drinking coffee and would rather drink diet Coke and follow the Word of Wisdom. It gave me an unsatisfactory answer that I wasn’t bound to follow due to the principles of probabilism and that I can rephrase. It told me that such act would be gravely sinful due to the nature of the act. When I added the phrase “because others may not be comfortable with a Catholic posting Mormon content?” It told me to seek further guidance from a spiritual director. I then asked the question “Is it a mortal sin to not reassure others about my Catholic faith when posting about the Mormon church online because it says in my profile header that I'm Catholic?” the answer was “The current resources do not have a precise answer to your question.” I then asked “Is it a mortal sin to withhold your Catholic faith when talking about Mormonism to someone?” It then answered “Therefore, while it is not explicitly stated whether withholding one's Catholic faith when discussing Mormonism is a mortal sin, it is important to approach such conversations with honesty and integrity, while also respecting the differences in beliefs between the two faiths.” Another relevant question that I asked was “Is it a mortal sin to withhold your Catholic faith when talking about Mormon Church to someone?” The answer was not satisfactory as it felt doubtful, which said “In conclusion, withholding your Catholic faith when talking about the Mormon Church to someone can be considered a sin, depending on the intention and circumstances. It is important to approach such conversations with respect, charity, and a desire for mutual understanding.” I then ask “Is it a mortal sin to withhold your Catholic faith when talking about Mormon Church to someone because one isn't comfortable sharing that they're Catholic?” The answer was “If the intention is to avoid conflict or discomfort, it may not necessarily be a mortal sin.”
September 19, 2023:
Asked Magisterium AI if “Is it a mortal sin to decry that someone left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?” It then answered “In summary, the Catholic Church does not explicitly state whether criticizing someone for leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a mortal sin”
September 20, 2023
I had to ask Magisterium AI if it was a mortal sin to look at a painting in which politicians form the opposing party are portrayed as witches and demons. Jon McNaughton picture It seems that it would be considered defaming them but I disputed it. One answer was “However, it is important to note that the Catholic Encyclopedia does not directly address the specific scenario of looking at a painting that portrays politicians as witches and demons. Therefore, while it does not provide a precise answer to the question, it does offer some guidance on the matter of hypocrisy and the intention behind actions.” However, according to the Fr. Altier Examen, it would not be considered a mortal sin because rudeness is a venial sin. I do not intend to destroy their lives as well.
September 24, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI if it was a mortal sin to name a plaza for me and my friends after the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It seemed that there was a warning after that that stated that it “could be seen as an improper use of God's name if it is done in a way that is offensive or misleading to the faithful.” Although “the specific scenario of unofficially naming a plaza after the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not directly addressed in the provided references.” So I then asked Magisterium AI “How does unofficially naming a plaza for yourself and your friends after the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints misleading the faithful,” It then answered me “Unofficially naming a plaza for oneself and one's friends after the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is misleading the faithful because it goes against the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding reverence for sacred spaces and the proper use of Church property. The Council in Trullo, in Canon 76, states that it is not right to place an eating place or engage in commercial activities within the sacred bounds of a church.” It was basically talking about the Catholic Church for me and not a public space.'
September 26, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI if it was a mortal sin to unofficially name a park after the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It answered me “Therefore, we cannot conclude definitively whether it would be a mortal sin or not based on the provided resources. It is important to consult with a priest or spiritual advisor for guidance on specific moral questions like this.” I had to ask this just to be doubly sure.
September 27, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI if it was a mortal sin to “cry over the fact that a Mormon bookstore which is owned by a holding company that is owned by the Mormon church is no longer selling a certain book.” I don’t know what book that was. The answer for me was “However, based on the principles of Catholic moral theology, crying over such a situation does not appear to involve a grave matter in itself.”
September 28, 2023
Asked what bad company was in Magisterium AI and it said to me that ‘The current resources do not have a precise answer to your question..’ I found the answer now on r/Catholicism that it means people who encourage you to sin. Bad Company Subreddit
There was a woman who struggled as to whether she wanted a baby and is contemplating on being a surrogate mother. I asked Magisterium AI if it was a mortal sin to watch a video with a woman who contemplates being a surrogate mother but hasn’t formally decided. It told me that “It is important to note that the references provided do not specifically address the act of watching a video of a woman contemplating surrogacy without having formally decided. However, the Church's teaching on surrogate motherhood and the dignity of procreation can be applied to this situation. The Church's stance on surrogate motherhood is clear, and any activity that supports or promotes it would be contrary to Church teaching.” I then ask if it was a mortal sin to follow a YouTube profile of a woman who contemplates by but hasn't formally decided with being a surrogate mother if you don't affirm her contemplation. The answer was “In summary, while the specific act of following a YouTube profile of a woman contemplating being a surrogate mother without affirming her contemplation is not explicitly addressed in the provided references, it is important to consider the broader teachings of the Church on surrogate motherhood and bioethics. Engaging with content that promotes practices contrary to the Church's teachings may be morally problematic, and individuals should seek guidance from the Church and form their conscience accordingly.”
September 29, 2023
I asked Magisterium AI if to was a mortal sin to not believe in the sex assault accusations on someone. I asked this because Tim Ballard was railroaded with sex accusations. The answer was “Therefore, while the Church's teachings condemn sexual abuse and emphasize the importance of supporting victims, a definitive answer regarding the mortal sin status of not believing accusations of sexual assault cannot be derived solely from the provided references.” I decided to not believe the accusations at that time.
I also asked if it was a mortal sin to protest someone’s excommunication that’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The answer was “Therefore, whether it is a mortal sin to protest someone's excommunication from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would depend on the teachings and beliefs of that particular denomination. The Catholic Church does not have the authority to make a definitive judgment on this matter.”
I was also thinking of posting an image of Katherine Ballard with the caption ‘Please pray for Katherine Ballard’. I ended up not asking the question instead on Magisterium AI.
October 1, 2023
First signs that I have insomnia, in which it would last for about six months, morphing to other sleep disorders such as hypersomnia, because it seems that I wanted to do this secret thing.
October 2, 2023
Asked if it was a mortal sin to talk about past sins in detail, when you regret them. Magisterium AI told me no. I don’t know I had anxiety talking about past sexual sins to a friend, as it may constitute pornography.
October 3, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI as to whether it was a mortal sin to listen to a story of a person who was born through artificial insemination. It told me that it wasn’t a mortal sin, since I don’t agree with artificial insemination.
October 4, 2023
I went into this secret place and I had like scary compulsions after that, and I don’t know if the 4 second compulsion was a deliberate act or an imperfect act. I was crying that day. I feel that I was nervous that day and violently suppressed obsessions.
October 6, 2023
Asked Magisterium AI as to what is an imperfect act. It told me that “Aquinas describes an imperfect act as a situation where a person possesses grace and charity but struggles to manifest a particular virtue due to external circumstances or personal limitations. This understanding recognizes the complexity of human actions and the challenges individuals may face in fully living out the virtues.” I don’t know it feels very ambiguous to me. Like is it OK to just practice witchcraft?
October 7, 2023
Asked Magisterium Ai why Aquinas’ Imperfect Act was significant in the context of Catholic teachings. It seems that it talks about the harmony between faith and reason, provide a systematic approach to understanding the mysteries of the Catholic Faith, and also explore the various theological and philosophical topics that are essential to Catholic theology.
Asked the following questions on Magisterium AI
Is crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to an imperfect act a mortal sin?: In summary, crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to an imperfect act is not inherently a mortal sin.
Is crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to a grave act a mortal sin?: It cannot be definitively stated that crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to a grave act is a mortal sin
How does the Catholic Church view crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to a grave act?: While the Church does not specifically address the issue of crying and screaming during unwantonly adverting to a grave act, it emphasizes the importance of repentance, forgiveness, and the responsibility of Church leaders to address and prevent sin and abuse.
Edited March 8, 2023, 7:43 PM: I was thinking of this thing I don’t know if I responded with a deliberate act, sudden act, or an imperfect act. It gave me anxiety. I had slept very little last night and felt very foggy my brain. IDK? Maybe it lasted 5 seconds and I was screaming through the act.